Crystal Jewelry Gift Guide

When we ask our friends and family what they want as a gift, they usually have to think for a moment before listing off a few things they don’t really need. Instead, why don’t we ask our loved ones what their soul wants? As we approach valentines day, let’s think about what we can gift our loved ones, friends as well as ourselves that will help with personal growth and intention setting. The best gifts are the ones that never stop giving. From the friends who need to attract confidence to those who need clarity and healing, this intention-based crystal jewelry gift guide has the perfect gift ideas to best nourish your loved one’s spiritual cravings.

Crystal Jewelry gift bracelets

Gratitude: The universe supports me and all my desires. I am grateful for everything and everyone in my life.

It may be easy to stay grateful during a month when family and friends are close, spirits are high and giving is the hallmark of the season, but gratitude can be as hard to maintain during those stressful post new year’s months as all your resolutions. All gifts bring gratitude, but a set bracelet will bless your friend with gratitude for long after the first receive it. Whether your friend is new to the practice of gratitude, or an experienced believer of intentional gratefulness, a set of tiger’s eye, jasper, blue apatite and more will benefit their discipline.

Clarity: I am crystal clear on my intentions and goals.

Specifically designed for intention setting, what could be more perfect For the New Year than a clear quartz Bracelet? Clear quartz establishes clarity by releasing energy blockages, clearing negativity, amplifying manifestations and programming intentions. Arm yourself with this rejuvenating bracelet, and set your intentions with confidence this January.

New Beginnings: I can begin again each and every day.

What is more inspiring than a blank canvas? Gift yourself and a friend a clean emotional slate with a set bracelet. Allow it to cleanse the spirit and inspire new growth with the curative energies of Moonstone, Rhyolite and Prehnite.

Love: My heart is always open and I radiate love.

For the friend who finds a new soulmate, every time they leave the house and has seen every romantic comedy ever made, a Rose quartz bracelet is the perfect gift. Made with the loving energy of rose quartz, this sweet, alluring accessory is just what your friend needs to entice the romance they’ve been looking for.

Click the button below to Find out more about how to cleanse and recharge your Crystals.